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Cute dress from: here |
Hai teman-teman, gue mau mengingatkan kembali tentang BLOGSALE FOR CHARITY, nih! Itu lho event berbelanja sambil beramal yang diadakan oleh Karina dari blog http://www.kadinces.com/ :)
Kita masih punya kesempatan untuk menyumbang sebanyak 25% dari setiap item yang dibeli ke Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia (www.ykaki.com)
Asyik sekali kan kita bisa menjadi stylish sekaligus beramal :) Yuk segera dipilih item-item kerennya. Ada dress, aksesoris sampai pernak-pernik lucu juga. Nggak hanya untuk perempuan, lho, tapi para laki-laki juga boleh ikut berbelanja di sini. Tuh, siapa tahu mau memberi kado sama pacar atau saudara dress manis seperti yang gue pakai ini :D
Tunggu apa lagi, yuk ikutan BLOGSALE FOR CHARITY. Klik di sini, pilih item yang kalian suka dan mari berbagi kebahagiaan dengan adik-adik yang sedang berjuang melawan kanker :)
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Blogsale for charity. Klik di sini :) |
you look so cute <3
you look so cute <3
you look so cute <3
kali ini baru deh mb indi nya yang imut.. sudah imut suka charity lagi.. :)
BalasHapusShould Scriptures be interpreted or should they be read and understood? When men claim that Scriptures are subject to interpretation, what they normally mean is subject to explanation according to their denominational view point. Case in point Acts 2:38.
God's Point of View: Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let everyone one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall received the gift of the Holy Spirit. (NKJV)
Man's Interpretation: Peter said to them your sins were forgiven and you received the gift of the Holy Spirit the minute you believed. Repentance and water baptism follow forgiveness from sins and reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit.
God's point of View: Acts 2:38 Peter, "All of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then your sins will be forgiven. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(New International Reader's Version NIRV)
Man's Interpretation: Water baptism is simply an act of obedience and is not essential to the forgiveness of sins. Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit precedes repentance and water baptism.
God's Point of View: Acts 2:38 Reconsider your lives; change your direction. Participate in the ceremonial washing of baptism in the name of Jesus God's Anointed, the Liberating King. Then your sins will be forgiven, and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be yours. (The Voice VOICE)
Man's Interpretation: Bible commentaries and church catechisms are more accurate than the Bible.
God's Point of View: Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible NIV )
Man's Interpretation: God is not smart enough to guide men into an accurate translation of the Bible. It has to be explained by Priests, Preachers, and denominational leaders.
YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY BLOG. http://steve-finnell.blogspot.com
Wah...moga banyak yang baca postingan ini, sehingga ade2 kita disana terbantu dengan even belanja seperti ini...
BalasHapusIndi, tampak berbeda dari biasanya dengan pakaian ini, SUKA ^^
menuju ke tkp dulu, ah. thanks kak atas infonya :D
BalasHapusLooking adorable, love the big hair bow
BalasHapusyou look so cute kak :3
Warna rambutnya baru ya kak? Bagus loh red nya ;) Makasih ya uda dipost, btw kakak salah ketik dikit, websiteku kadinces.com mohon dikoreksi ya kak. Thank you!
BalasHapusRambut baruuuu.. Eh warnanya denk maksudnya. Cocok banget Mbak, sama diri mu.. Makin kiyut.. :D
BalasHapusBaiklah.. Windows shopping dulu deh, moga ada yang nyantol. Heheh..
meluncur ke webnya ah mau lihat2
BalasHapusIndy, warna rambut barunya bagus yang sekarang, jd kliatan lbh cerah mukanya.
BalasHapusIndy, warna rambut barunya bagus yang sekarang, jd kliatan lbh cerah mukanya.
BalasHapusIndy, warna rambut barunya bagus yang sekarang, jd kliatan lbh cerah mukanya.
BalasHapusIndi rambutnya baru ya...
BalasHapusKak indi you looks adorable
Loving your new haairrr
Kak Indi :D. Keren :D. Pengen lihat Kak Indi pakek celana, dandanan tomboi, deh :D. Hehe :p
BalasHapusfoto-fotonya manis tuh :)
BalasHapusblogwalking ya :)
salam kenal
Indi! You look so sweet! I am loving the red hair! It stands out brightly against the pretty dress :)
BalasHapusSweet hair accessory ^^ Purple is very elegant
BalasHapus恵美より ♥
Pas banget, warna rambut dan bajunya... love it!
BalasHapuskonsepnya keren ya berbelanja sambil beramal, gede lagi persenannya,,,
BalasHapusnanti coba liat2 dulu deh, pacar bentar lagi ulang tahun nih.. sapa tau ada yang cocok hehe
kawaiii ndi :)
BalasHapuswah baik sekali ya kak indy ! always inspiring :3
BalasHapusWah program yang menarik ini.
BalasHapusSemoga programnya berjalan sukses.
great look !!! love the hair colour !